Monday, October 27, 2008

2008 Candidate Forum

'Vote for my better tomorrow' Hannah Russell, 4

Singing the National Anthem: RFF Kids: Lily Huse, Jordan Russell, Jillian Sorah, Cody Littrell, Bailey Littrell, Colby Lowrance, Riley Huse, Emma Hewitt, Victoria Moffett, Allie Hewitt, Drew Littrell

Singing the National Anthem: RFF Kids: Lily Huse, Jordan Russell, Jillian Sorah, Cody Littrell, Bailey Littrell, Colby Lowrance, Riley Huse, Emma Hewitt, Victoria Moffett, Allie Hewitt, Drew Littrell
Color Guard performed by Boy Scout Troop 1136

Three of the young people who asked the questions to the candidates: Landon Bruce, Jonny Russell, Taylor Huse

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Rep. Phil King, Texas House of Representatives, District 61

Candidates for Texas House of Representatives, District 61 from both parties answering the questions: Charles Randolph and Incumbent Phil King

Pastor Joe Bruce of Real Family Fellowship leading the audience in prayer over the candidates as instructed in I Timothy 2:1-2

(this is better as they are praying, but it is a little blurry.)

During the meet and greet some of the candidates and some of the young people from RFF had an impromptu jam session.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, District 12 Terry Smith and young citizen of Parker County, Joshua Youngblood

'Vote for my better tomorrow'. Daniel Josiah Russell 18 months

The meet and greet went for over an hour as local citizens got to know the people running for offices in our precinct, county, State and nation.
Darrel Russell (citizen) Clint Hall and Tom W. Clayton both running for Precinct One Commissioner (not pictured: George Conley)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Princess Hannah Ruth

We had a wonderfully fancy celebration in honor of our little princess Hannah Ruth who will be turning four on October 19th. A decree went forth inviting all the little princesses to come and celebrate with Sir Darrel of Russell at the Russell Chateau in the fifth hour after noon on Sunday. Each time a new princess arrived they were announced and taken to the royal festivities. The Royal festivities included photos by the Royal Photographers (aka Joshua and Queen Mom), making of a scepter, making of a Princess of the King bag to carry all your accessories and of course making of a royal tiara with the Royal helpers: Sarah and Jordan. They also had a royal banquet of hot dogs with all the trimmings grilled by the Royal grillers: Joshua and King Daddy. The royal grounds keeper (Jonny) had the grounds looking... royal and thus all the little princess and prince's could run and jump with joy. They rode the royal horse (rocking horse) drove the royal chariot (little people car) and burst the royal pinita. And most certainly they were tempted with delightful cupcakes and ice cream sundays. It was an all around fancy delightful time for all the little princesses.