My dad and mom (Jim and Paula), my oldest brother, Richard is missing. then from left to right: Michael, me, David, Loy, James (Jimmy) and John Mark.
I just got home from Oklahoma where I went to my Uncle Bill's funeral. My uncle Bill was a good man who loved his family greatly and provided and protected them. So for that reason, I am sad. But my Uncle Bill was a Christian, he loved his savior and is now with Him and for that reason I celebrate. He left a beautiful wife of over 56 years, two children, 4 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren and for them I am sad, they will miss him greatly. I had the wonderful opportunity to visit with cousins that I had not seen for years, for some it has been a couple of years and for others it has been around 20. And for that I rejoice. I look forward to getting together with them and renewing our friendships. I hope we can get together for a reunion that does not include a death.
5 of my 6 siblings also made the trip. It was good to see all of them.