After reading the intro to quarter one and lesson one of Mystery of History, we did an activity that I based off a

We read a book "Archaeologists Dig for Clues" by Kate Duke. It took us a couple of days to read this as it was full of information and could not be read and assimilated by my younger ones in one sitting. In the back ground, Jonny was preparing the site for me. First he dug a rectangular hole that was about 2 foot by 4 foot. Then we got two different terra cotta type pots, broke them into a few pieces and Jonny buried them in sand in the hole and then covered them with a layer of dirt to make it look like the ground prior to the digging. Then Joshua went out and placed the grid using stakes and twine. Then the Archaeologist and volunteers went out to do the dig.

I first explained to them about the grid and we played a game of where is the grid and I would call out a location "A3" and they would find it or put Daniel into it.

I was amazed that I did not even have to explain much about this and Stephen new where they were immediately. Then I explained how to dig in order to preserve the integrity of the site and then they went to work. They were each so excited when they found a 'treasure'. Stephen was a little dismayed when everyone had found one or two before he found one, but then when he found one he was doubly excited. Though he cut his finger on the find.

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