Friday, May 16, 2008

Prince Caspian

We went to see Prince Caspian today. Our family all enjoyed it. Though Hannah was glad to have Daddy and Josh-e-a's lap close so she could jump in them during the intense scenes. She is only 3 and yet she got that Aslan represented Jesus before we even told her that he did. She said "Oh, he is like Jesus and Lucy loves him." "I love him, too." If you go to their official website there are all sorts of educational things you can download to preview or review the movie. (games, etc.) Stephen thinks he is the little mouse Reeceechep (spelling?) Hannah says she is Lucy and Sarah is Susan and Joshua is Peter and Jonny is Edward. That is until the end when the show had it's one "Red X" moment. (Red X is what Stephen calls it when people kiss) And Hannah said "Sarah doesn't kiss boys only her daddy. Right daddy?"

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