Saturday, May 3, 2008

"PT Purple"!

We have looked and looked for a car for Joshua, to no avail. So we put Grand dad on the job and in one weekend, he found the car.

He will be making payments on the car, but he hopes to pay a majority of it off this summer with his summer job earnings.

It is called the Touring Edition Wagon. Joshua says he won’t call it cranberry, he will call it Royal Purple. I said just say it is the color of royalty and don’t say purple at all. Grand dad says it is ‘Barney’ colored. Joshua did like Barney when he was little, though he is a little embarrassed to admit it now. And he finds Barney more than a little scary now.

PT Purple! When the PT Cruisers first came out and for a couple of years we played PT Cruiser sort of like you use to play love bug. The kids would say PT and then the color of the cruiser for points. The one with the most points at the end of a trip was the winner. They got points for PT’s, love bugs and the little car that looks like a box, I can’t remember it’s real name, but I remember “Box car Red” earning them a point. Now Joshua will be driving a PT purple!
Not bad for a first car and it has room to grow with him. It will set 5 people. He is most worried about whether it will fit his piano keyboard in the back.

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